Criteria for Admission

Admission to our Hospice program is made upon the recommendation of your physician, and is based on your needs. Typically, appropriate candidates for hospice are patients

  • With a life expectancy of six months or less

  • Who desire palliative care / comfort care

  • Who want to stay at home, which is defined as the patient’s residence

  • Who desire no aggressive medical treatment

The following guidelines are used to assist the physician and hospice Medical Director in making a judgment regarding an individual’s eligibility for hospice care.

patient has a declining functional status determined by:

  • A Karnofsky Performance Status of 50% or less

    • The KPS rubric is an evaluation that assesses a person’s ability to function independently

  • Dependence in 3 out of 6 Activities of Daily Living

  • Frequent hospitalizations

  • Frequent trips to the ER

  • Weight loss of 10% or more in the last 4 to 6 months

  • Serum Albumin less than 2.5 gm/dL

    • Albumin is a component of protein and makes up one half of plasma protein

  • Patient and family have elected comfort care rather than curative treatment
